A Vision for Inclusion

In a recent episode of the “Banking and Finance Leaders Shaping the Industry” podcast, Melissa Ugle, the Bank Manager of Westpac Broome in Western Australia, shared her inspiring journey and vision for the future.

Recognising Achievements:
Melissa’s impressive career spans over 23 years, initially as a client relationship manager. In 2020, she made a significant transition to the financial sector and has since excelled in her role at Westpac Broome. Notably, Melissa received the Carla Zampatti Emerging Leader Award in 2022 and the WiBF Achievement in Retail Banking Award in 2023, showcasing her commitment and excellence in the industry.

The Impact of WiBF Award:
Melissa emphasised the importance of the award in bringing visibility to the Boya Mob Program, an initiative she co-founded to support Indigenous trainees in the banking sector.

“Boya Mob was co-founded by myself and another of my colleagues, Lee Hislop. The reasoning behind it was that we have a lot of trainees coming through our business. They’re Indigenous, and we wanted to make sure that they are supported,” said Melissa.

Boya Mob focuses on providing support to Indigenous trainees, ensuring their cultural needs are met, and creating pathways for them within Westpac.

“We started off with four trainees. Now, we have about 16 trainees, and we’ve extended our program out to Indigenous employees within Western Australia,” said Melissa.

A Whirlwind Career Transition:
Melissa shared her unexpected entry into the financial sector following a 30-year career in the travel industry. When her previous organisation offered a choice between staying or taking voluntary redundancy due to the impact of COVID, Melissa chose the latter. After applying for various jobs and receiving unexpected offers, she ultimately secured the role of Bank Manager at Westpac Broome. Melissa highlighted the challenges of transitioning from a well-established career to a completely different industry but praised Westpac for recognising transferable skills, such as customer service and attention to detail.

Transferable Skills:
Melissa discussed the transferable skills that have contributed to her success in banking. She highlighted the importance of customer service skills acquired in the travel industry, emphasising the ability to connect with people and create rapport. Additionally, attention to detail and compliance, crucial in both industries, were identified as key transferable skills.

“I think we often undervalue ourselves,” Melissa shared.

Community Engagement and Future Goals:
Reflecting on her current role, Melissa expressed gratitude for the support from Westpac and the opportunities it has provided. She emphasised her passion for supporting the Indigenous community, especially through the Boya Mob program. Melissa’s vision for the future involves expanding the program nationally, working towards Indigenous equality, and ensuring genuine commitment to community support.

Balancing Work and Life:
Sharing a personal aspect of her journey, Melissa emphasised the importance of seeking support, building strong work relationships, and finding a balance between work and personal life. She recounted a pivotal moment as a single mother, realising the need to prioritise her children over a demanding career.

Future Aspirations:
Looking ahead, Melissa aims to continue her work in Indigenous inclusion, expanding Boya Mob and advocating for equality within and beyond organisations. Her dedication to making a difference and fostering genuine support for vulnerable communities remains at the forefront of her aspirations.

“I would like to be instrumental in working towards equality of Indigenous people, not just in organisations, but in community as well,” Melissa said.

To listen to Melissa’s podcast episode click below:

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