Applied Confidence

The world is changing – fast. Women taking positions of leadership has altered the dynamic, confusing some of the old behaviour patterns and initiating distressing incidents when engaging with tough personalities who sometimes come from an age gone by and yet still wielding the sword.

Consequentially, we can lose trust in these engagements, confidence is undermined and influence and opportunity are destroyed without even knowing why. Instead, we remain with the false notion that is about work competency, and it is not.

Confidence is competence and that competence is in the areas of vocal presence, body power and the perceived trust and influence we bring to each room.

In this incredibly hands-on and practical event for leaders, Dr Mahler will provide a point of contact to analyse, plan and review through the lens of Body/Voice and Frameworks of Communication, tailored specifically for those in leadership roles.

Over the 3.5 hour session, you will learn how-to:

Know the difference between perception and reality for women in business
Learn new skills and processes that are effective, show leadership and make life easy
Incorporate these skills into real life scenarios demonstrating confidence and clarity
Make the journey enjoyable

Course Outline

Delivered in-person, these comprehensive sessions will be divided into three key themes:

Getting your voice heard

How your voice works and what goes wrong
Why women’s voices are undervalued in business
How stress manifests
When there is something wrong
What we perceive as trust and caring and how to do it
What being authentic mean
Common problems – talking to fast – what to do
How to interrupt professionally
How the body, arms and legs can help

Presenting Virtually

What’s different about the virtual world
How to get the presentation started
An overall framework
How to not make it all about you
How to break the content mould
How to read your audience
How to engage
How to finish professionally

Handling difficult situations

The framework for difficulty
The framework for changing the behaviour of others
Non-verbal responses that assist
Specifics of empathising
Why we reflect
Buying time

Dr Louise Mahler

Moving from the Vienna State Opera back to Australia, Louise observed a ‘missing ingredient’ in corporate leadership and completed an award – winning PhD around the unsung wisdom of the mind-body-voice connection she named Vocal Intelligence.

Her highly participative sessions mean you leave knowing, understanding and even embodying the change. You will be transformed from the darkness of confusion to the lightness of laughter and song. Louise’s qualifications include: B.Econ; B. Mus; Post Grad Dip Music; L.Mus.A; Master of Applied Science in Organisational Change as well as a PhD in the faculty of Business. She is also accredited in MBTI, a Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistics and certified in level 1 and 2 of Estil voice work.

In 2006 Louise was the recipient of RMIT’s award for innovation in PhD research and in 2023, she was awarded the title of Adjunct Professor and an official member of Forbes Coaches Council. She appears on TV and Radio for her work on Presence and Influencing for senior leaders in high-stake engagement. Having worked with Fortune 500 clients including BHP, IBM, Adobe, Gartner, Transdev after a lifetime of being a communications expert Dr. Louise Mahler will introduce you to new ways to engage and communicate in

Hear from Louise where she explains Applied Confidence: How can you control your nerves?

2024 Schedule

  • Sydney 24th July 2025
  • Melbourne 25th July 2025

How the Workshops Will Run

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Comprehensive masterclass of 3.5 hours in a CBD venue.

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Up to 15 participants to keep the group intimate and allow people to ask more specific questions pertinent to their situation.

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Please get in touch with our team to discuss further.

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In-person workshop style over 3.5 hours.

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